Книги в жанре «Ужасы и Мистика» (1111 книг)

Показаны книги с 11 по 20

11. Dreams in the WitchHouse Читать →

Автор: Whether the dreams brought on the fever or the fever brought on the dreams Walter Gilman did not know. Behind everything crouched the brooding, festering horror of the ancient town, and of the mouldy, unhallowed garret gable where he wrote and studied and wrestled with flgures and formulae when he was not tossing on the…

12. The Call of Cthulhu Читать →

Автор: Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival… a survival of a hugely remote period when… consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity… forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods, monsters, mythical…

13. Fatalis Читать →

Автор: Saber-tooth tigers attack Los Angeles in Rovin's gung-ho second novel of cryptozoological horror. (In the first, Vespers, Rovin imagined mutant bats tearing up New York City.) The new novel opens in classic horror style, on a Santa Barbara hillside, as something large but unseen stalks a bobcat that's in turn stalking a dog: soon there…

14. Blood Rites Читать →

Автор: Lost items found. Paranormal Investigations Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or Other Entertainment For Harry…

15. Dead Beat Читать →

Автор: Scanned by an unsung hero. Proofed by Highroller. Made prettier by use of EBook Design Group Stylesheet.

16. Death Masks Читать →

Автор: [version history and scanner's info] Version 1.0-scanned, OCR"d and spell-checked from first edition (ISBN 0-399-15106-0). Version 2.0 -September 21, 2003-proofread and corrected by The_Ghiti from first printing (release date: August 15, 2003). A number of obvious errors…

17. Proven Guilty Читать →

Автор: Harry Dresden has spent years being watched and suspected by the White Council's Wardens. But now he is a Warden, and it sucks more than he thought… So when movie monsters start coming to life on his watch, it's officially up to him to put them back where they came from. Only this time, his…

18. Restoration of Faith Читать →

Автор: I struggled to hold onto the yowling child while fumbling a quarter into the pay phone and jamming down the buttons to dial Nick's mobile. “Ragged Angel Investigations,” Nick answered. His voice was tense, I thought, anxious. “It's Harry,” I said. “You can relax, man. I found her.” “You did?” Nick asked. He let out…

19. White Night Читать →

Автор: Book Nine of the Dresden Files Someone is targeting the city's magic practitioners, the members of the supernatural underclass who don't possess enough power to become full-fledged wizards. Many have vanished. Others appear to be victims of suicide. But the murderer has left a calling card…

20. Circus of the Damned Читать →

Автор: Anita Blake is an expert on creatures of the night. She has dined with shapeshifters, danced with werewolves, and been wooed, but not won, by Jean-Claude, the Master Vampire of the city. Now there’s a new vampire in town named Alejandro and he wants Anita for his servant. His attempts to win her lead to…

21. Guilty Pleasures Читать →

Автор: Introducing Anita Blake, vampire hunter extraordinaire. Most people don’t even bat an eye at vampires since they’ve been given equal rights by the Supreme Court. But Anita knows better—she’s seen their victims… A serial killer is murdering vampires, however, and now the most powerful vampire in town wants Anita to find the killer.

22. The Laughing Corpse Читать →

Автор: The novels of “New York Times” bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton take readers into the dangerous life of Anita Blake, animator and vampire hunter—a woman as good at raising the dead as she is at slaying the undead. Now, a creature from beyond the grave is tearing a swath of murder through St. Louis. And…

23. Coraline Читать →

Автор: Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house. It was a very old house—it had an attic under the roof and a cellar under the ground and an overgrown garden with huge old trees in it. Coraline's family didn't own all of the house—it was too big for that. Instead…

24. Neverwhere Читать →

Автор: Neverwhere's protagonist, Richard Mayhew, learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished. He ceases to exist in the ordinary world of London Above, and joins a quest through the dark and dangerous London Below, a shadow city of lost and forgotten people, places,…

25. The Stake Читать →

Автор: A horror writer, Larry Dunbar uncovers the body of a high school girl, who had been sacrificed on the altar of a madman's obsession to rid the Earth of a vampire's curse. A world of horrors was born the day the stake was driven into the girl's heart, and Dunbar wants to pull it out.…

26. I Am Legend Читать →

Автор: Chapter OneOn those cloudy days, Robert Neville was never sure when sunset came, and sometimes they were in the streets before he could get back. If he had been more analytical, he might have calculated the approximate time of their arrival; but he still used the lifetime habit of judging nightfall by the sky, and…


Автор: Latham Weekly, June 2, 1998 BIZARRE MURDERS COMMITTED IN RACCOON CITY – The mutilated body of forty-two-year-old Anna Mitaki was discovered late yesterday in an abandoned lot not far from her home in northwest Raccoon City, making her the fourth victim of the supposed cannibal killers to be found in or near the Victory Lake…

28. The Mist Читать →

Автор: The morning after a violent thunderstorm, a thick unnatural mist rapidly spreads across the small town of Bridgton, Maine, reducing visibility to near-zero and concealing numerous species of bizarre creatures which viciously attack any human who ventures out into the open. The source of the fog and its inhabitants is never revealed, but strong allusions…

29. The Tommyknockers Читать →

Автор: Like many of the Mother Goose rhymes, the verse about the Tommyknockers is deceptively simple. The origin of the word is difficult to trace. Webster's Unabridged says Tommyknockers are either (a) tunneling ogres or (b) ghosts which haunt deserted mines or caves. Because 'tommy" is an archaic British slang term referring to army rations (leading…

30. The Waste Lands Читать →

Автор: This third volume of the tale is gratefully dedicated to my son OWEN PHILIP KING: Khef, Ka, and Ka-tet. THE ROSE IT BEGAN TO OPEN before his eyes. It disclosed a dark scarlet furnace, petal upon secret petal, each blazing with its own secret fury. Jake had never seen anything so beautiful, so intensely and…