Книги в жанре «Научная Фантастика» (17570 книг)

Показаны книги с 61 по 70

61. The Werewolf Principle Читать →

Автор: Simak Clifford The creature halted, crouched low against the ground, staring at the tiny points of light that lay ahead, burning softly through the darkness. The creature whimpered, frightened and uneasy. The world was much too hot and wet and the darkness was too thick, There was too much and too large vegetation. The atmosphere was in…

62. Way Station Читать →

Автор: Simak Clifford The noise was ended now. The smoke drifted like thin, gray wisps of fog above the tortured earth and the shattered fences and the peach trees that had been whittled into toothpicks by the cannon fire. For a moment silence, if not peace, fell upon those few square miles of ground where just a while…

63. Why Call Them Back from Heaven Читать →

Автор: Simak Clifford The jury chortled happily. The type bars blurred with frantic speed as they set down the Verdict, snaking smoothly across the roll of paper. Then the Verdict ended and the judge nodded to the clerk, who stepped up to the Jury and tore off the Verdict. He held it ritually in two hands and turned…

64. Animal Life Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive Ralph was dreaming of Kathleen again. She was standing on the edge of the pool he was building for Jerry Meuse on Coldwater Canyon, looking into the water saying: “It's milk, Ralph!” As he realized that yes, indeed, the pool was filled with milk, the ground began to shake. Somewhere far off, he heard Duffy…

65. Coldheart Canyon Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive It is night in Coldheart Canyon, and the wind comes off the desert. The Santa Anas, they call these winds. They blow off the Mojave, bringing malaise, and the threat of fire. Some say they are named after Saint Anne, the mother of Mary, others that they are named after one General Santa Ana, of…

66. Everville Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive Memory, prophecy and fantasy the past, the future and the dreaming moment between are all in one country, living one immortal day. to know that is Wisdom. to use it is the Art.

67. Imajica 01 — The Fifth Dominion Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive IT WAS THE PIVOTAL TEACHING of Pluthero Quexos, the most celebrated dramatist of the Second Dominion, that in any fiction, no matter how ambitious its scope or profound its theme, there was only ever room for three players. Between warring kings, a peacemaker; between adoring spouses, a seducer or a child. Between twins, the spirit…

68. Imajica 02 — The Reconciliator Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive LIKE THE THEATER DISTRICTS OF so many great cities across the Imajica, whether in Reconciled Dominions or in the Fifth, the neighborhood in which the Ipse stood had been a place of some notoriety in earlier times, when actors of both sexes had supplemented their wages with the old five-acter-hiring, retiring, seduction, conjunction, and remittance—all…

69. Lost Souls Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive Everything the blind woman had told Harry she"d seen was undeniably real. Whatever inner eye Norma Paine possessed-that extraordinary skill that allowed her to scan the island of Manhattan from the Broadway Bridge to Battery Park and yet not move an inch from her tiny room…

70. Sacrament Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive I am a man, and men are animals who tell stories. This is a gift from God, who spoke our species into being, but left the end of our story untold. That mystery is troubling to us. How could it be otherwise? Without the final part, we think, how are we to make sense of…

71. The Hellbound Heart Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive I long to talk with some old lover's ghost Who died before the god of Love was born. -John Donne,Love's Deitie

72. Weave World Читать →

Автор: Barker Clive I remember a window in a farmhouse in North Wales which had a sill of white-washed stone so deep I could sit sideways in it at the age of six, hugging my knees to my chin. From that spying place I had a view of the orchard of apple trees behind the house. The orchard…

73. Dooms Day Book Читать →

Автор: Willis Connie Nebula Best Novel winner (1993) Hugo Best Novel winner (1993) …

74. Renegade Читать →

Автор: Scotten Cordell Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Robots and AliensBook 2…

75. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Читать →

Автор: Doctorow Cory A novel by Cory Doctorow: Jules is a young man barely a century old. He's lived long enough to see the cure for death and the end of scarcity, to learn ten languages and compose three symphonies…and to realize his boyhood dream of taking up residence in…

76. Eastern Standard Tribe Читать →

Автор: Doctorow Cory The first thing you notice when reading Eastern Standard Tribe is that it suggests a methodology that Doctorow follows when building his novels: identify and research a cool new idea, add more and more cool bits to that idea, and then build that into a story. In Down and Out the cool idea was reputation-based…

77. The Krone Experiment Читать →

Автор: Wheeler Craig J. It is a science thriller about an artificial blackhole threatening Earth. J. Craig Wheeler is an internationally recognized authority on black holes, white dwarfs and supernovae. He is chairman of the Astronomy Department at the University of Texas in Austin and a member of the American Astronomical…

78. The Horus Heresy: Horus Rising Читать →

Автор: Abnett Dan The Primarchs HORUS First Primarch and Warmaster, Commander-in-Chief of the Luna Wolves ROGAL DORN Primarch of the Imperial Fists SANGUINIUS…

79. Hyperion Читать →

Автор: Simmons Dan The Hugo Award Winner—1990 On the world called Hyperion, beyond the law of the Hegemony of Man, there waits the creature called the Shrike. There are those who worship…

80. Ilium Читать →

Автор: Simmons Dan From the towering heights of Olympos Mons on Mars, the mighty Zeus and his immortal family of gods, goddesses, and demigods look down upon a momentous battle, observing—and often influencing—the legendary exploits of Paris, Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, and the clashing armies of Greece and Troy. Thomas Hockenberry,…