Asimov Isaac

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01. Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction. Book 9: Robots Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика

02. Asimov's Mysteries Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика There is a tendency for many people who don't know any better to classify science fiction as just one more member of the group of specialized literatures that include mysteries, westerns, adventures, sports stories, love stories, and so on. This has always seemed odd to those who know science fiction well, for s.f. is a…

03. Asimov’s Guide To Shakespear Читать →

Жанр: Культурология «whatISAAC ASIMOVVolume OneThe Greek, Roman, and Italian Plays…»

04. Asimov’s Guide To Shakespear. Volume 1 Читать →

Жанр: Культурология whatISAAC ASIMOVVolume OneThe Greek, Roman, and Italian Plays…

05. Asimov’s Guide To Shakespear. Volume 1 Читать →

Жанр: Культурология «whatISAAC ASIMOVVolume OneThe Greek, Roman, and Italian Plays…»

06. Buy Jupiter and Other Stories Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика To all the editors, whose careers at one time or another, have intersected my own - good fellows, every one. In THE EARLY ASIMOV I mentioned the fact that there were eleven stories that I had never succeeded in selling.What’s more, said I in that book, all eleven stories nolonger existed and must remain forever…

07. Cleon the Emperor Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика First published in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1992Locus Award Nominee…

08. David Starr Space Ranger Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика Lucky Starr…

09. Earth Is Room Enough Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика Science Fiction Tales of Our Own Planet…

10. Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика He who is needed must learn to endure flattery. — Dezhnev Senior 1.“Pardon me. Do you speak Russian?” said the low voice, definitely contralto, in his ear. Albert Jonas Morrison stiffened in his seat. The room was darkened and the computer screen on the platform was displaying its graphics with an insistence that had been lost on…

11. Fondazione e Impero Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика «Non siete ancora entrati nel magico mondo extragalattico che affascina milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo? Ecco l'occasione giusta per un ingresso trionfale, con quello che viene universalmente considerato il 'classico dei classici' della fantascienza. Siete appassionati di questo genere letterario? Anche in questo caso, ecco un volume-capolavoro che non puт veramente mancare nella vostra…

12. Forward the Foundation Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика DEMERZEL, ETO-… While there is no question that Eto Demerzel was the real power in the government during much of the reign of Emperor Cleon I, historians are divided as to the nature of his rule. The classic interpretation is that he was another in the long line of strong and ruthless oppressors in the…

13. Found! Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика Computer-Two, like the other three that chased each other's tails in orbit round the Earth, was much larger than it had to be.  It might have been one-tenth its diameter and still contained all the volume it needed to store the accumulated and accumulating data to control all space flight.  They needed the extra space,…

14. Foundation Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика The First Galactic Empire was falling. It had been decaying and breaking down for centuries and only one man fully realized that fact. He was Hari Seldom the last great scientist of the First Empire, and it was he who perfected psychohistory-the science of human behavior reduced to mathematical equations. The individual human being is…

15. Foundation and Earth Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика ON August 1, 1941, when I was a lad of twenty-one, I was a graduate student in chemistry at Columbia University and had been writing science fiction professionally for three years. I was hastening to see John Campbell, editor of Astounding, to whom I had sold five stories by then. I was anxious to…

16. Foundation and Empire Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика

17. Foundation's Edge Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика He was the analog—the mirror image—of the Mayor of Terminus, who ruled over the First Foundation. But they were different in every respect. The Mayor of Terminus was known to all the Galaxy and the First Foundation was therefore simply “the Foundation” to all the worlds. The First Speaker of the Second Foundation was known…

18. Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика I am a robot. My name is Cal. I have a registration number. It is CL-123X, but my master calls me Cal. The X in my registration number means I am a special robot for my master. He asked for me and helped design me. He has a lot of money. He is a writer. I…

19. I, Robot Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика I LOOKED AT MY NOTES AND I DIDN't LIKE THEM. I"d spent three days at U. S. Robots and might as well have spent them at home with the Encyclopedia Tellurica. Susan Calvin had been born in the year 1982, they said, which made her seventy-five now. Everyone knew that. Appropriately enough, U. S. Robot…

20. La Fine Dell'Eternita Читать →

Жанр: Научная Фантастика «Il cronoscafo non si mosse. Harlan non si era aspettato che il cronoscafo si muovesse; non si era aspettato alcun tipo di movimento, ne in alto ne in basso, ne a destra ne a sinistra, ne avanti ne indietro. Tuttavia gli spazi tra le aste si erano sciolti in una oscurita grigia, solida al tatto eppure…

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